5 things you didn’t know about best practices as a multipotentialite

Bianca East
4 min readJul 5, 2022

You can practice many things even with a limited amount of time.

You might be wondering, “Do I have to go all in with every passion?” Let me reassure you that there is such a thing as doing projects or following interests at a slower pace. It is perfectly okay to spend only a limited amount of time on an interest before moving on to another one.

As a multipotentialite, it’s also fine if you quit something entirely. If your interest has diminished, or you don’t feel like putting in the hard work anymore, it’s okay to move on! In this stage of your life, multipotentiality can even be described as having low commitment-level interests.

It is not necessary for you to spend years mastering every one of these skills. You do not need to master everything either; in fact, it is more important that you enjoy the process than worry about the results.

You’re not lazy. You’re just following your natural inclinations.

If you’re a multipotentialite, you might have felt lazy at some point in your life. You just couldn’t seem to stick with one thing long enough to make it work. But this is actually a sign that you’ve found your natural inclinations as a multipotentialite: When something doesn’t come naturally to us, we have to force ourselves to do it, and then it becomes really easy for us to give up on it when the inevitable roadblocks present themselves. For example, if you were born without fingers on one hand, becoming a concert pianist wouldn’t be worth the effort because no matter how much practice you put into learning how to play with one hand, it would never come close in quality and precision to what someone who uses both hands can do. This analogy isn’t perfect because they are clearly different types of skills (one is physical and the other is mental), but the point remains that if we don’t have an inherent talent for something due to our genetic makeup or lack of resources (e.g., time or money), there’s no point forcing ourselves into doing things that aren’t aligned with our strengths.

You may find that you only want to focus on one of your interests for a short period of time. That’s okay!

You’ve probably noticed that you go through phases where you’re really into something and then, all of a sudden, your interest wanes. Maybe you even get discouraged and beat yourself up for not sticking with it. Don’t! You’re only human, and the cycle of getting interested in something, learning all about it, and losing interest is completely normal. It doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you or that you aren’t meant to be a multipod. It just means that right now your interests are leading you down another path.

That said, we don’t want to give the impression that if you lose interest in one thing quickly there’s a problem, because there isn’t! What we’re trying to say is: don’t feel guilty about wanting to move on from something if you’ve learned all that it has to offer or if it no longer excites you. Remember: this is about what makes *you* happy!

Anyone can become a multipotentialite.

Did you know that a multipotentialite is just someone who has a wide range of interests? That’s right, anyone can be one! You might already be one and not even know it. Have you ever tried out a new hobby only to discover that it didn’t resonate with you? You may have thought at the time: “Oh well, I guess I just don’t like [X hobby].” But in reality, having a few interests (or many!) doesn’t mean that you automatically enjoy all of them equally; there are probably some that you like more than others. It’s totally fine to keep some for fun and drop the ones you don’t want to pursue anymore.

You can start by exploring your existing interests and then add more as your list grows longer. Or maybe try something completely new — the sky is the limit! Don’t feel discouraged if an interest doesn’t stick after trying it out for a while. Once you realize how many great hobbies there are in the world, any small setback will seem insignificant compared to all of the possibilities that await.

Multipotentialites have been around for a long time and have changed the world.

Multipotentialites have been around for a long time, and they’ve changed the world in a major way. You’re probably familiar with Renaissance men (and women): Leonardo da Vinci was an architect, inventor, mathematician, engineer, anatomist and more. Ben Franklin was a writer, scientist, inventor, politician and diplomat. Elon Musk is working on electric cars as well as reusable rockets that could someday lead to colonizing Mars. Albert Einstein was a physicist who won the Nobel Prize in Physics.

The Renaissance man (or woman) has been pushed aside by society’s current obsession with specialization — but it’s not too late to get back on track! The world needs more multipotentialites like you if we’re going to continue improving our civilization and creating lasting progress.

If you think that you could be a multipotentialite, try exploring your interests and see what happens!

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Bianca East

Curious Mind. Advocate for Making Mistakes, failing frequently, and daily experimentation. Continuous dribble of things I’m thinking…